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Géranium d’Été

Fragrance selection - Fine series

Géranium d’Été


Géranium d’Été (Summer Geranium) essential oil is primarily extracted from the leaves and stems of the geranium plant, especially the species known as Pelargonium graveolens.

Scent introduction

The origin of Summer Geranium essential oil can be traced back to South Africa, which is the native habitat for many geranium species. In the 19th century, as the plant spread and became commercialized, geranium essential oil gradually made its way to Europe and other regions, establishing a significant presence in the fragrance and perfume industry. Today, Summer Geranium essential oil is widely used around the world.

Summer Geranium essential oil is favored for its numerous potential health and beauty benefits, which primarily include:

*Antibacterial and Antifungal*

*Soothing and Relaxing*

*Skin Care*

*Insect Repellent*

*Hormonal Regulation*

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